Burly Bird Media

Exploring tangents with awesome humans.


An interview podcast featuring a different special guest in every episode.
Two Dad's navigating the challenges of life and talking about their hobbies.
A generational podcast featuring actor Jeff Steitzer and a wide variety of topics.
Playing a wide variety of videogames, alongside some occasional special guests.
A live gaming stream featuring reactions to the latest news, discussion and gameplay.
A collection of memorable and silly moments from our various gaming adventures.





thatHITBOX writes about all things video games, with a focus on big retrospective features, reactions, interviews, and satire, alongside reviews and previews.

Jonathan Garrett
Jonathan created Burly Bird Media as an amalgamation of his artistic goals; to unite his passion for writing, directing, teaching, interviews, games and creativity under the jolly branding of an overweight 90's cartoon chicken.

Our development roadmap for this multi faceted production company includes podcasts, books, plays, boardgames, and videogames. 

He has been teaching Drama for over sixteen years, having written / directed over twenty original youth theatre productions, He created his own drama school, the 'Jay Tee Performance Academy', for five years, in both Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, and Stoke Newington in East London. 

He forged partnerships with the New York Film Academy, NY, and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), and was the creative director for the 'Hackney Youth Performance Academy' in East London. 

He is currently teaching at Laureate Academy in Hemel Hempstead, the Company Director for YOUnique Minds CIC (a mental health support community) and Editor for video game website thatHITBOX.com.